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Chalk & Cheese Films

Based in Mumbai

When different people get together, more often than not, good things happen. Out of the chaos of distinct personalities, a team forms who feeds off each other’s creative energies and gives shape to some brilliant ideas for the benefit of the greater good. Chalk & Cheese is that team.

Different, yes of course, but connected on a thread of similar interests that range from pop culture, gastronomic fare & films. Consisting of 3 chief operating wizards who want to bring to you good films. Whether it is an ad, or an independent venture, they promise to create something unique and blow your socks off.

Chalk & Cheese Films have grown to be a production house with some of the most recognised brand works like Reliance Fresh 'Badi Diwali', Pantaloons 'Pujo', Vogue 'Show Your Vogue', Tinder 'You Up?', Myntra 'Summer Campaign', Budweiser #WhassupBudChallenge, Fastrack Bags 'Do Your Thing' and 82ºE 'Feels Like Home'.

Co-founders/Directors: Neil Chowdhury, Zico Maitra and Naruttam Achowe

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