Based in UK
Lucie Red is an accomplished production designer based in the UK. Her work in the drama genre includes Leo Leigh's debut feature "Sweet Sue" and Simon Bird's feature "Days of the Bagnold Summer," featuring Monica Dolan and Earl Cave. In the realm of shorts, she has contributed to projects like "The Full Story," directed by BAFTA-winning and Oscar-nominated Daisy Jacobs, "The Truthful Phone," an adaptation of a Terry (Monty Python) Jones short story narrated by Martin Sheen and shot on location in Wales, and "Miss Fortunate," directed by Ella Jones and starring Ben Whishaw.
Lucie's talent has been recognized through awards and nominations, such as a nomination for Best Production Design at D&AD 2023 for PETA, directed by Jeff Lowe, and a Bronze win for Best Production Design at the Creative Circle Awards 2020 for the iconic trailer she designed for RuPaul's Drag Race S1, directed by Jack Whitely.
Her commercial portfolio includes collaborations with prominent brands like Adidas, The Times, McDonald's, Whatsapp, Burger King, IKEA, Cadbury's, and Dove.
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